Golf News Archives - USA Golf Digest Golf Advisor Thu, 15 Feb 2024 12:07:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Golf News Archives - USA Golf Digest 32 32 Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf Sat, 10 Feb 2024 05:00:07 +0000 Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf? The golf swing is essential to this accuracy and expertise based game. While playing golf, even an unsteady swing could bring about a staggering stroke. Work on your game and play all the more reliably with the assistance of this book, which will help you all you ... Read more

The post Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf? The golf swing is essential to this accuracy and expertise based game. While playing golf, even an unsteady swing could bring about a staggering stroke. Work on your game and play all the more reliably with the assistance of this book, which will help you all you want to be aware of golf, from arrangement to see everything through to completion. Let’s read below about “Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf?”.

Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf

The Setup

For a strong golf swing, the arrangement is principal. To apply force with accuracy, one should keep up with appropriate arrangement and stance. A respectable arrangement should have the accompanying parts:

1. Grip

Golf players who are thinking correctly gave ought to begin by getting a handle on the club with their non-prevailing hand. On the off chance that you’re a left-given golf player, simply follow after accordingly. While playing golf, the legitimate hold is a club held with the palm confronting the objective. With your thumb pointed down the shaft and your fingers enclosing the club, set it in play.

2. Stance

Keep your feet more extensive than shoulder width separated and lined up with the ground as you position yourself. Left-handed golfers should place the ball on the inside of their leading foot when playing the game. Right-handed golfers should do the same. Always ensure that the weight is distributed evenly across both feet.

3. Posture

Inclining forward from the hips requires keeping a straight spine and an unobtrusive curve in the knees. Keep your hands dealing with toward your jaw and your arms tenderly hanging beneath your shoulders. Keep your back straight as you swing.

4. Alignment

Ensure your hips, feet, and shoulders are all in accordance with the line you’re holding back nothing. Standing with your back to the line is the next step. To guarantee exact point, utilize a club or other arrangement help.

The Backswing

To start the golf swing, one should move the clubaway from the ball, which is known as the backswing. After a professional backswing, the downswing ought to be solid and exact. To appropriately execute a backswing, follow these means:

1. Rotation

Keeping the lower body moderately fixed and moving your weight away from the objective are the underlying strides of the backswing. The backswing is the time for right-handed golfers to let go of the club and swing freely while keeping their left arm straight.

2. Club Position

A spot of the shoulder and a curve of the wrists are expected to bring the club down to ground level. To raise a ruckus around town, get the clubhead far from it and the shaft opposite to it.

3. Weight Transfer

As you approach the finish of your backswing, move your weight to within your back foot on the off chance that you play golf with a right or left hand. This assists you in placing your weight on your back leg in preparation for shifting it to your front foot during the downswing.

The Downswing

As he crushes the ball on the downswing, a golf player’s stroke takes on a magical quality. It’s the point at which you hit the ball with pinpoint precision and maximum velocity subsequent to relinquishing the backswing’s power and energy. The moves toward effectively execute a devastating breakdown are as per the following:

1. Weight Transfer

To start bringing down yourself, put your weight on your front foot. You gather more power and speed as you come around swinging this way and that.

2. Hip Rotation

To begin, the hip flexor. To rotate your hips in a particular direction, simply shift your weight to your hips. By rotating the clubhead in this manner, proper sequencing and clubhead speed can be produced.

3. Lag

At the point when you start to cut the club down, ensure your left arm is lined up with the shaft. Due to this postponement, the clubhead ventures quicker, creating more effect strength through a whip-like movement.

4. Release

As you get closer to impact, let go of the wrist lag to bring the clubhead into contact with the target. This should come naturally as you pivot and shift your weight.

The Follow-Through

During the completion, the last part of your golf swing, keep up with your equilibrium. A strong follow-through is essential for maintaining control and keeping the ball in the air at all times. Please follow the steps below to ensure a smooth completion:

1. Extension

Keep a completely broadened arm position toward the objective as you keep on turning your body through the effect zone. At the finish of your swing, turn your right (or left, contingent upon your favored side) shoulder so it confronts the objective line.

2. Balanced Finish

The objective is to stand tall and consistent, putting your weight on your front foot. Hold yourself at a point, with your back foot lifted on its toes and your middle highlighting your objective. Stand firm on this foothold until the ball lands.

3. Club Position

A golf player’s left (or right, on account of left-given players) shoulder ought to be raised to a level where the clubhead arrives at a decent completion. Keep the shaft opposite to the floor and pointed toward your goal.

Common Swing Faults and Fixes

The best golf players are human and will commit an error once in a while. This represents a common issue and its answer:

1. Slicing

Somewhat turning the passed available to one side could be the solution for right-gave golf players who cut the ball to one side. Influencing the balls more from the center of your hand could help you draw or fly them straighter.

2. Hooking

To get better at left-gave snares, they can debilitate their grasp a smidgen by moving their left hand further to one side on the hold. You can fix the ball’s direction by keeping up with evenness with the clubface through influence.

3. Fat Shots

Last but not least, ineffective shots If you’re hitting fat shots behind the ball, check your setup for imbalances in your weight distribution. Try not to put a lot of weight on your back foot. While stirring things up around town, keep your head up and somewhat lower.

4. Thin Shots

Assuming you’re getting slender strokes that are going high or low, it very well may be on the grounds that you’re excessively close to the ball. To expand your contact, keep your spine at a consistent point as you swing.


Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf

Final Thoughts on Golf Swing Techniques Perfecting your golf swing takes time, effort, and practice. You might work on your method and become a more steady and guaranteed golf player by learning and regularly playing out the fundamental swing moves.

Simply consummating your arrangement, backswing, downswing, and finish will make you a superior golf player. This applies to players of all abilities. Quickly get your clubs and go out to the reach to rehearse your swing! I hope you like reading “Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf?”.

The post Understanding Steps Of How To Swing In Golf appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

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Can Golf Carts Get Wet Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:06:36 +0000 Golf trucks are central vehicles on fairways, giving convenience and flexibility to players as they investigate the fairways and greens. In any case, one typical concern among golfers is whether golf trucks can persevere through receptiveness to water, particularly during terrible environmental circumstances or while crossing wet scene. In this article, we’ll research the effects ... Read more

The post Can Golf Carts Get Wet appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

Golf trucks are central vehicles on fairways, giving convenience and flexibility to players as they investigate the fairways and greens. In any case, one typical concern among golfers is whether golf trucks can persevere through receptiveness to water, particularly during terrible environmental circumstances or while crossing wet scene. In this article, we’ll research the effects of water on golf trucks, how they are expected to manage clamminess, and ways of shielding them from likely mischief. Thus, how about we begin and answer the inquiry: Will golf trucks get wet? Let’s read below about “Can Golf Carts Get Wet”.

Understanding Golf Cart Construction

1. Electrical Components

Various state of the art golf trucks are constrained by electric motors, which rely upon batteries to supply the crucial energy for movement. These batteries, close by other electrical parts like controllers and wiring, are frail to hurt from water receptiveness. Moisture can result in corrosion, short circuits, and other electrical malfunctions, which can lower performance and pose safety risks.

2. Mechanical Systems

Mechanical Frameworks Golf trucks have different mechanical frameworks, including motors, brakes, and guiding systems, notwithstanding their electrical parts. While these parts may be more grounded to water than electrical parts, deferred receptiveness to moistness can cause rust, disintegration, and debilitating after some time. It’s major to protect these mechanical systems from water interference to ensure ideal execution and life expectancy of the golf truck.

Effects of Water on Golf Cart Performance

1. Electrical Malfunctions

One of the fundamental concerns with water receptiveness is the potential for electrical errors in golf trucks. Dampness has the potential to saturate electrical components, resulting in erosion and shortcircuits that disrupt the power flow and reduce the truck’s usefulness. Gleaming lights, sporadic development, and trouble beginning or working the truck are indications of an electrical issue.

2. Corrosion and Rust

Water can in like manner brief disintegration and rust on metal surfaces and portions of the golf truck. Rust can weaken fundamental genuineness, compromise mechanical structures, and corrupt the truck’s appearance. When exposed to water, parts like the edges, frame, and equipment are particularly susceptible to erosion, especially in salty or seaside environments where saltwater consumption is a concern.

3. Reduced Performance

Long receptiveness to water and clamminess can ultimately achieve diminished execution and faithful nature of the golf truck. Electrical errors, utilization, and rust can mull over truck’s ability to work effortlessly and successfully, provoking all the more sluggish speeds, decreased speed increment, and inconvenience continuing on the course. Standard upkeep and proactive measures are principal to alleviate these issues and assurance ideal execution.

Protecting Golf Carts from Water Damage

1. Use Protective Coverings

Exactly when not being utilized, store golf trucks in covered locales or use cautious covers, for instance, materials or golf truck closed in regions to shield them from deluge, snow, and other normal parts. Cautious covers help with holding water back from gathering on the truck’s surfaces. And going into sensitive electrical and mechanical parts.

2. Avoid Driving in Wet Conditions

Try not to Drive in Wet Climate Please, don’t drive a golf truck in wet or blustery climate on the grounds that doing so improves the probability of getting wet and causing harm. Use alternative modes of transportation, such as walking or riding in a covered golf truck with weatherproof nooks, until the weather improves.

3. Perform Regular Maintenance

Keeping golf trucks in good condition and minimizing the effects of water damage requires regular maintenance. Regularly inspect the truck for signs of wear, rust, or other damage, and address any issues right away. To guarantee the truck runs securely and successfully, perfect and dry the electrical associations. Grease up the mechanical parts depending on the situation, and stick to the support plans suggested by the producer.

4. Install Waterproof Accessories

Consider presenting waterproof lace and climbs to work on the truck’s solidarity to water receptiveness. Waterproof seat covers, dashboard covers, and limit compartments can help with safeguarding inside parts from moistness.


Can Golf Carts Get Wet

In spite of the fact that golf trucks are worked to endure moderate water openness. Unreasonable or delayed dampness can cause harm and execution issues. Understanding how water affects golf truck components and taking proactive measures to protect them from water damage are essential for maintaining their usefulness, lifespan, and health.

Golfers can ensure that their trucks remain in excellent condition and ready to go regardless of the circumstances by following the suggestions presented in this article. So try to keep your golf truck evaporate and especially kept with, and value cruising the course with assurance! I hope you like reading “Can Golf Carts Get Wet”.

The post Can Golf Carts Get Wet appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

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List Of Best Golf Ball Brands Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:30:04 +0000 List Of Best Golf Ball Brands : The golf ball is point of fact the most fundamental piece of gear for the sport of golf all in all and for individual golf players. Because of the extensive variety of golf balls accessible from such countless various makers, it could be moving for players to pick ... Read more

The post List Of Best Golf Ball Brands appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

List Of Best Golf Ball Brands : The golf ball is point of fact the most fundamental piece of gear for the sport of golf all in all and for individual golf players. Because of the extensive variety of golf balls accessible from such countless various makers, it could be moving for players to pick only one. Sort out which golf ball associations have become handily perceived names thanks to their dedication to improvement, quality, and organization by scrutinizing this article. Let’s read below about “List Of Best Golf Ball Brands”.

Criteria for Selection

It is essential to describe the actions for examination preceding inspecting the top golf ball brands. The accompanying variables were considered while arranging this aggregation:

  • Performance: When conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the golf ball’s performance, it was necessary to take into consideration its feel, spin control, accuracy, and distance.
  • Innovation: Just organizations that ceaselessly further develop their golf balls will actually want to work with our association.
  • Innovation: While assessing the brand’s standing and staying in the game, analysis from both novice and master golfers was thought of.
  • Variety: People delighted in golf balls made by associations that could oblige different swing speeds, capacity levels, and individual tendencies.

Value for Money: We concluded the impetus of each brand by perceiving how esteeming interfaces with execution.

List Of Best Golf Ball Brands

1. Titleist

Golfers across the globe see Titleist as the go-to check for premium golf balls. Since its inception in the middle of the 1900s, when it introduced game-changing products like the Star V1 and Genius V1x, Titleist has been a pioneer in the industry. The world’s best golfers rely upon these prevalent balls because of their unparalleled consistency, control, and distance.

2. TaylorMade

TaylorMade’s golf balls exhibit the innovative spirit that has made them famous because TaylorMade is always thinking of new ideas. Two lead things from the brand, the TP5 and TP5x, are renowned for their exceptional show in any game thanks to their multi-layer improvement and uncommon materials.

3. Callaway

Thirdly, when people think about golf hardware, few names are as inseparable from quality and advancement as Callaway. Because of their commitment to R&D, TaylorMade clubs are a popular choice for golfers who value distance and spin control. The association’s Chrome Sensitive and Chrome Fragile X golf balls are among the most loved among players. The uncommon control and rich feel of these balls make them a notable choice among golfers. Callaway golf balls are at the front of their field and have acquired acclaims from players of all ability levels for their creative materials and smoothed out plans.

4. Bridgestone

the scaffold Bridgestone, a Japanese organization that makes imaginative and individualized golf balls, is notable everywhere. You can choose a golf ball that works well and fits Bridgestone’s broad setup, regardless of your swing speed or method. Serious players who regard precision and control have come to appreciate the Visit B series for its dependable display in various circumstances and imperative record on visit.

5. Srixon

For good clarification: Srixon golf balls are particularly respected by specialists in light of their reasonable expense and amazing quality. The Z-Star XV and Z-Star emphasize twist, feel, and distance, displaying promising execution that is worth a look. Due to its dedication to quality control and consistency, Srixon has a loyal following of both experienced and novice players.

6. Titleist (ProV1 and ProV1x)

The Titleist ProV1 and ProV1x lines, which are generally viewed as the best by golf players, are ProV1 and ProV1x. The world’s best players rely upon these unrivaled balls because of how they feel, how far they travel, and how much control they give. The ProV1x’s slightly faster ball speed and less twist, as opposed to the ProV1’s entering flight and delicate feel, will be advantageous to players seeking maximum distance. The responsibility of Titleist’s laborers to reliable turn of events and improvement has allowed the association to hold what is happening as the overarching player in the golf ball market.

7. Vice Golf

Unfortunately, behavior pattern Golf has accepted off to prevalence lately, because of the extraordinary degree to its web-based store and reasonably assessed premium golf balls. Both the Unfortunate behavior pattern Pro and Vice Expert notwithstanding balls from this maker look and play like visit-level balls, yet they’re irrefutably more sensible than other premium decisions. Requiring a sensible choice that could relinquish execution? Bad habit Golf can help out because of their enduring obligation to reasonableness without compromising quality.

8. Volvik

Volvik golf balls are eminent for their sending out vibes and plans, which make them stand separated on the course. The brand’s licensed innovation is utilized in the S3, S4, and Distinctive series, which go for the gold, reach, and precision. Because of the organization’s obligation to plan and develop, numerous golf players pick Volvik clubs to flaunt their singular style without forfeiting execution.

9. Wilson Staff

Workers at Wilson The Wilson Staff are known for making high-quality golf balls that can accommodate golfers of varying skill levels. The low strain and rich feel of the brand’s Pair Sensitive and Group Soft+ balls make them ideal for players who need absolving and distance. Due to their commitment to affordability and accessibility, Wilson Staff has become the brand of choice for recreational golfers looking for dependable performance at a low price.

10. Mizuno

Golf balls made by Mizuno are loved by various master players, yet the association is better seen for their first rate irons and wedges. Both the RB Visit X and the RB Visit are multi-layer designs that smooth out control and distance with the usage of new dimple plans. Mizuno has made golf clubs and other sports equipment with an emphasis on performance and accuracy since the company’s inception.


Taking everything into account, choosing the right golf ball is a fundamental initial step to work on your game. Maintain execution, advancement, notoriety, and cost as your primary priorities when attempting to narrow down the numerous brands and products available to you. All levels of golfers will find something they love about the featured brands, since they are among the best that anyone could hope to find. I hope you like reading “List Of Best Golf Ball Brands”.

The post List Of Best Golf Ball Brands appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

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Jaw-Dropping Showdown: Lucas Glover Surges To -10, Dominates Leaderboard In 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:19:59 +0000 After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the leading position on the leaderboard, achieving an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind. During an exceptional performance in the second round on Friday, Glover recorded an impressive six-under 64, granting him a slim one-stroke edge ... Read more

The post Jaw-Dropping Showdown: Lucas Glover Surges To -10, Dominates Leaderboard In 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the leading position on the leaderboard, achieving an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind.

During an exceptional performance in the second round on Friday, Glover recorded an impressive six-under 64, granting him a slim one-stroke edge over Jordan Spieth.

Comprehensive tee times and partnerships for the third round of the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship have been released, accompanied by vital information regarding television broadcasts and online streaming.

Enthusiastic fans who desire to savor the PGA Tour throughout the season without relying on cable television can take advantage of an exciting opportunity. Begin your viewing adventure with a complimentary trial of Fubo, serving as your gateway to all the thrilling action. Furthermore, enhance your viewing experience by accessing PGA Tour Live streaming and a diverse selection of other live sports and captivating programming, all conveniently available through ESPN+.

Here’s the schedule for the third round, featuring player tee times on Hole 1:

8:10 AM ET: Wyndham Clark, Sepp Straka
8:20 AM ET: Rickie Fowler, Seamus Power
8:30 AM ET: Alex Smalley, Matt Kuchar, Sam Burns
8:42 AM ET: Davis Riley, Brandon Wu, Justin Rose
8:54 AM ET: Mark Hubbard, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Patrick Rodgers
9:06 AM ET: Matthew NeSmith, Jon Rahm, Harris English
9:18 AM ET: Tony Finau, Jason Day, Denny McCarthy
9:30 AM ET: Taylor Montgomery, Hayden Buckley, Brian Harman
9:42 AM ET: Corey Conners, Tyrrell Hatton, Nick Taylor
9:54 AM ET: Sam Ryder, J.J. Spaun, Beau Hossler
10:10 AM ET: Chris Kirk, Keegan Bradley, Keith Mitchell
10:22 AM ET: Vincent Norrman, Cameron Young, Brendon Todd
10:34 AM ET: Viktor Hovland, Sam Stevens, Hideki Matsuyama
10:46 AM ET: Tom Hoge, Eric Cole, Nick Hardy
10:58 AM ET: Ben Griffin, Si Woo Kim, Thomas Detry
11:10 AM ET: Adam Schenk, Russell Henley, Patrick Cantlay
11:22 AM ET: Sahith Theegala, Collin Morikawa, Kurt Kitayama
11:38 AM ET: Adam Svensson, Andrew Putnam, Byeong-Hun An
11:50 AM ET: Aaron Rai, Mackenzie Hughes, Stephan Jaeger
12:02 PM ET: Cameron Davis, Max Homa, Xander Schauffele
12:14 PM ET: Lee Hodges, Scottie Scheffler, Rory McIlroy
12:26 PM ET: Adam Hadwin, Joohyung Kim, JT Poston
12:38 PM ET: Taylor Moore, Tommy Fleetwood, Emiliano Grillo
12:50 PM ET: Sung-Jae Im, Lucas Glover, Jordan Spieth

After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the top position on the leaderboard with an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind.

In a notable display during the second round on Friday, Glover achieved a six-under 64, giving him a slender one-stroke advantage over Jordan Spieth.

Detailed tee times and pairings for the third round of the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship are now accessible, along with essential information about TV coverage and streaming options.

For dedicated fans eager to enjoy the PGA Tour throughout the season without cable, an exciting opportunity awaits. Embark on your viewing journey with a complimentary trial of Fubo, serving as your gateway to all the action. Elevate your viewing experience by accessing PGA Tour Live streaming and a wide array of other live sports and engaging programming, conveniently available through ESPN+.

Thursday Coverage: Golf Channel
Friday Coverage: Golf Channel Golf Channel
Saturday Coverage: CBS, Golf Channel CBS, Golf Channel
Sunday Coverage: CBS, Golf Channel CBS, NGolf Channel

The post Jaw-Dropping Showdown: Lucas Glover Surges To -10, Dominates Leaderboard In 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

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Lucas Glover Takes Command With A -10 Lead At The 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship (Schedule) Sat, 14 Oct 2023 11:42:51 +0000 After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the leading position on the leaderboard, achieving an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind. During an exceptional performance in the second round on Friday, Glover recorded an impressive six-under 64, granting him a slim one-stroke edge ... Read more

The post Lucas Glover Takes Command With A -10 Lead At The 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship (Schedule) appeared first on USA Golf Digest.


After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the leading position on the leaderboard, achieving an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind.

During an exceptional performance in the second round on Friday, Glover recorded an impressive six-under 64, granting him a slim one-stroke edge over Jordan Spieth.

Comprehensive tee times and partnerships for the third round of the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship have been released, accompanied by vital information regarding television broadcasts and online streaming.

Enthusiastic fans who desire to savor the PGA Tour throughout the season without relying on cable television can take advantage of an exciting opportunity. Begin your viewing adventure with a complimentary trial of Fubo, serving as your gateway to all the thrilling action. Furthermore, enhance your viewing experience by accessing PGA Tour Live streaming and a diverse selection of other live sports and captivating programming, all conveniently available through ESPN+.

Here’s the schedule for the third round, featuring player tee times on Hole 1:

8:10 AM ET: Wyndham Clark, Sepp Straka
8:20 AM ET: Rickie Fowler, Seamus Power
8:30 AM ET: Alex Smalley, Matt Kuchar, Sam Burns
8:42 AM ET: Davis Riley, Brandon Wu, Justin Rose
8:54 AM ET: Mark Hubbard, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Patrick Rodgers
9:06 AM ET: Matthew NeSmith, Jon Rahm, Harris English
9:18 AM ET: Tony Finau, Jason Day, Denny McCarthy
9:30 AM ET: Taylor Montgomery, Hayden Buckley, Brian Harman
9:42 AM ET: Corey Conners, Tyrrell Hatton, Nick Taylor
9:54 AM ET: Sam Ryder, J.J. Spaun, Beau Hossler
10:10 AM ET: Chris Kirk, Keegan Bradley, Keith Mitchell
10:22 AM ET: Vincent Norrman, Cameron Young, Brendon Todd
10:34 AM ET: Viktor Hovland, Sam Stevens, Hideki Matsuyama
10:46 AM ET: Tom Hoge, Eric Cole, Nick Hardy
10:58 AM ET: Ben Griffin, Si Woo Kim, Thomas Detry
11:10 AM ET: Adam Schenk, Russell Henley, Patrick Cantlay
11:22 AM ET: Sahith Theegala, Collin Morikawa, Kurt Kitayama
11:38 AM ET: Adam Svensson, Andrew Putnam, Byeong-Hun An
11:50 AM ET: Aaron Rai, Mackenzie Hughes, Stephan Jaeger
12:02 PM ET: Cameron Davis, Max Homa, Xander Schauffele
12:14 PM ET: Lee Hodges, Scottie Scheffler, Rory McIlroy
12:26 PM ET: Adam Hadwin, Joohyung Kim, JT Poston
12:38 PM ET: Taylor Moore, Tommy Fleetwood, Emiliano Grillo
12:50 PM ET: Sung-Jae Im, Lucas Glover, Jordan Spieth

After completing two rounds of play, Lucas Glover has secured the top position on the leaderboard with an impressive score of -10 in the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship held at TPC Southwind.

In a notable display during the second round on Friday, Glover achieved a six-under 64, giving him a slender one-stroke advantage over Jordan Spieth.

Detailed tee times and pairings for the third round of the 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship are now accessible, along with essential information about TV coverage and streaming options.

For dedicated fans eager to enjoy the PGA Tour throughout the season without cable, an exciting opportunity awaits. Embark on your viewing journey with a complimentary trial of Fubo, serving as your gateway to all the action. Elevate your viewing experience by accessing PGA Tour Live streaming and a wide array of other live sports and engaging programming, conveniently available through ESPN+.

Thursday Coverage: Golf Channel
Friday Coverage: Golf Channel Golf Channel
Saturday Coverage: CBS, Golf Channel CBS, Golf Channel
Sunday Coverage: CBS, Golf Channel CBS, NGolf Channel

The post Lucas Glover Takes Command With A -10 Lead At The 2023 FedEx St. Jude Championship (Schedule) appeared first on USA Golf Digest.

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